Saturday 27 August 2011

BIG cake

I made this 50s themed cake for lovely Laura's mums 60th birthday. It was a mega 16" x 12" vanilla sponge, filled with yum bags strawberry jam and some tasty vanilla butter icing, woop. I finished the cake with a bit MORE vanilla butter icing.

The photo is of Laura's mum, Jane, when she was a little girl in the 50s, hanging out with the pigeons and is edible, which Laura bought from Eat Your Photo (good name). I made the records and the dancing people with my own little hands out of sugar paste and lots and lots of black food colour.

Thursday 4 August 2011

welcome to baking saves lives

Hello and welcome to baking saves lives, where you are invited to save your life a little bit with some cake. Yum.

Baking saves lives is me, Hannah and I believe that life, whether good or bad can ALWAYS be made better with a little bit of cake.

I love cake, so much, that I went to bakery school to learn how to make magic (cake) where I earned a foundation degree in Baking Technology, woo wee! I then worked at two of London’s top bakeries; Primrose Bakery and the hummingbird bakery. But then I decided I ought to do some independent life saving and so created baking saves lives.

You can get all your classic wonders here, like victoria sponge, carrot cake and lemon meringue tart. Then there’s stuff like chocolate and guinness cake and lime and chocolate tart if you fancy something a little bit different.

So go on, save your life a little bit today, have some cake!!!